YouTube & The Office Made My Day.

YouTube Videos are always weird. People have too much time on their hands.I normally hate stupid tribute videos, remixed videos, vidoes about nothing that have a high rating.... But these ones are special.

Scranton Is So HOTTT!!!
The video needs not intro. Just click play.

Nixon + Art

Death Of Your iPod...

iPod Death Clock

Seriously people, its kinda scary, but worth checking out. Trust me. Hopefully you don't have death come-a-rockin'.

MADLY - Tristan Prettyman

Tristan Prettyman is one of my secret crushes from back in the da-diz-day. And I'm pretty sure she will make it big soon.

Or for the people who choose not to support her, Download the single here.

My Gift.... you are these wonderful pictures that are interesting and you could care less about them, but yet I like them and think they are worth posting on this wonderful Christmas Eve. Your Welcome.