YouTube Videos are always weird. People have too much time on their hands.I normally hate stupid tribute videos, remixed videos, vidoes about nothing that have a high rating.... But these ones are special.
Scranton Is So HOTTT!!!
The video needs not intro. Just click play.
YouTube & The Office Made My Day.
POSTED BY // goff X gough @ 28.12.07 0 comments
TAGS // Funny, Rad, The Office
Death Of Your iPod...
iPod Death Clock
Seriously people, its kinda scary, but worth checking out. Trust me. Hopefully you don't have death come-a-rockin'.
POSTED BY // goff X gough @ 26.12.07 0 comments
TAGS // iPod, Music, Seriousness
MADLY - Tristan Prettyman
Tristan Prettyman is one of my secret crushes from back in the da-diz-day. And I'm pretty sure she will make it big soon.
Or for the people who choose not to support her, Download the single here.
POSTED BY // goff X gough @ 25.12.07 0 comments
TAGS // Fresh, Music, Tristan Prettyman
My Gift.... you are these wonderful pictures that are interesting and you could care less about them, but yet I like them and think they are worth posting on this wonderful Christmas Eve. Your Welcome.
POSTED BY // goff X gough @ 24.12.07 0 comments
TAGS // art, beautiful, paintings, Photography, Rockstar, Taking Back Sunday