This song has been on repeat since I downloaded it and I don't plan on changing that any time soon.
Even though I have posted the music video before, this is just as good and a perfect reminder to everyone out there.
Choose Your Own Adventure//
Just to prove how serious this really is and how its about to become huge, the homies at RVCA made a shirt to go along with it. As you can tell, DJ Skeet Skeet supports them to.
goff X gough
TAGS // BAWLIN, Dance, DJ Skeet Skeet, Dope, ill, Music, Rad, Seriousness
hipsters, zumiez & abbie.
some random dude at zumiez was trying to help/spit game at abbie and telling her she needs to wear bright colors and become a hipster. well not in those words but thats what i gathered at least. all i can say is the bright colors have been around too long and the day you give into the trend is the day it goes out. so hold strong abbie, hold strong. this post is for you.
HIPSTER: HIP-STUR: for those of you who don't know,
1. A person, usually in their early to mid twenties, who has what they think is good taste, participates in some kind of youth subcultural urban clique; from punk, to indie rocker, goth, straight edge, metalhead, hip-hop, etc. They are fairly likely to know a great deal about their own world and very little about anyone else's.
2. A grand tradition of respected pop-cultural icons, from Oscar Wilde to Charles Bukowski to Andy Warhol to the Vice Magazine founders, who despite their influence, really kind of suck.
3. They all dress disturbing alike.
4. They try to one step ahead of trends in clothes and music, seeking out vintage fashion and independent bands. Their shortcomings include:
a) most-likely an upper/middle class upbringing
b) general snobbery (or social-ineptitude mistaken for it) towards not only those not "with it" but also an unfamiliar hipster
c) a disposition of only liking things not totally excepted by the mainstream
d) bad haircuts.
5. Their exceptional qualities:
a) despite what some detractors might assume, they are one of the more racially inclusive scenes in an urban setting
b) if you need one of them to give an opinion when shopping for clothes or records, they will be invaluable...provided they don't scoff at you first
c) that band you love never would have gotten anywhere if the hipsters weren't into them first.
d) just like emo, always fun to make fun of.
6. A sister/cousin/relative to the dying breed of emo kids.
goff X gough
TAGS // Fashion, Funny, Music, Seriousness, UGLY
re-cap. cobra, fangs up.
Last night I went to a concert. how cool am I/ ?
First off it was at club sound. you might say thats in the venue, but nope. same building different parts of the building, smaller and probably has aids and h.i.v. floating around in it cause its a gay club when not a concert venue. anyways.... The opening band sucked and then the second band sucked. the first band was "we the kings" basically, just another pop punk band with predicable lyrics, songs and cliche teen prep/emo wannabe rockstar moves on stage. and now they're single is free on iTunes, so see for yourself how much you don't like them.
second band. "metro station". what can i say other than when i saw them i wanted to yell at everyone and ask what made these queers famous. then in between songs i hear on stage something something cyrus. jokingly i turned to abbie and said, thats billy ray son and hannah montanah's long lost bro. then i get home and find out it really is. its billy's son and well i guess billy didnt have the best relationship with his son and felt he was favoring miley too much so he sweet talked some fools into landing his no-good sons band a record deal and a tour with someone cool. billy ray jr. that looks like a mix between pete wentz and marlyn manson thought that everyone was there to see him jump around singing to the little 14 yr. olds in the front row that know every song by heart. after the set i think i counted about 5 different times he jumped up on his monitors and started acting like that was the show of his life and finally made it big. dude, your music wasnt even playing and a kanye west song was on and your roadies were cleaning up and you were still on stage without your band. big head for such a skinny person. i guess you can tell that i think it jjjjuusttt sucked.
metro station
(notice the tall skinny ugly one, and the one one on his left. what they have in common, they both are in a hideous band and their little siblings are more famous than they are. ../the other guys brother is hannah montanah's brother on the show.)
Then the cool stuff happened. holla. COBRA STARSHIP. these dudes plus a dudette are for real. they don't have to act like the stereotypical pop punk band. they are who they are. purple and all, justin timberlake and everything good that comes with them. music was dope, performance was good, played all the songs that didnt suck. which none of them really do. during a break in between a song they were saying how they were at that the venue and saw the sounds play and wished they could rock a show like the sounds did. well they didnt fail in my book. and i was kinda happy cause i went to that concert with chris and he got a bloody nose from a stupid punk in leather and an orange moehawk. so basically they were what i came for and sadly i didnt get bonus material out of the night like someone new to listen to other than 2 new boy bands to hate. oh well, i guess i went to see them and not the others. i do wish however that i could take back the half hour i waited in that cold line in front of the club and the 2 hrs i spent listening to the other bands back. but life goes one. amen. amen.
and just to show how awesome cobra really is, here is a music vid ft/ the vocals from the sounds singer maja ivarsson, travy from the gym class hereos and william beckett from the academy is. awesomeness.
my new g.f.
enough said.
goff X gough
TAGS // art, beautiful, Photography, Your Love
I Just Witnessed History...
...on MTV.
Rob & Big killed it, they "did work." I used to be bugged out by the two, but lately I have found new respect for them. And now rob broke 21 world records in skatingboarding and BigBlack broke 2 of them in the eating category. Awesome-ness. New found respect for Rob & Big.
click on the video for the official location/link of the video and enjoy. mtv.
goff X gough
TAGS // ill, MTV, Rad, Seriousness
In a video put out by Taking Back Sunday called Louder Now: Partone, there was an interview with front man Adam Lazzara and he was asked about a certain band. The band was Metallica. He was asked on his thoughts about playing on the same tour and playing the same day, venue, etc.... His beautiful response: "Metallica-Schmetallica" meaning.. who cares about them. Seriously. SEER EE US LEE. Reason numbero uno, honestly who cares. numbero dos, they might be good but not what I like. Sure they are famous Rockstars and farther in life than me, but I still hate their music. numbero three-o, I hate the singers voice, numbero quatro, the whole band is ugly. I guess I really shouldn't hate on them, but I am.
As you read this you can agree with the fact that I really have a strong bias on Metallica. Fact. Now the reason I brought this up was because of the fact that in my music class today for the first half hour of class we watched a Metallica DVD and I about lost it. The professor thought he was the coolest mofo/old dude/professor/whatevs, etc.... he thought he was cool he knew about mosh pits, he thought he was cool he saw that concert he was showing us on DVD because he worked the event as security. Granted this DVD was better than watching Fiddler on the Roof, Romeo & Juliet, and all the other stupid things he has showed us, but still, I hated the fact that people thought this was the coolest thing.
And to top off the class, some kid was giving a concert report from the PacSun tour and he was bragging about it how he lost his voice and stuff and I couldn't help but to judge him for his stupidity. As my dad put it best, what goes around comes around. This being said I know how many people think I'm a pot-head, creep, snowboarder, or just typical stereotypes that come with the hair. Oh well. but I still choose to judge those who I hear talk and I think they're stupid, and the people who look stupid, when I know they are thinking the same about me. Whatevs, venting, done. This has probably been one of the most personal blogs I have posted. That is seer ee us. hmmm...
p.s./ "Where You Want To Be" has become my favorite album from TBS and for the last couple of weeks as well. "Notes From the Past" is great too, a perfect mix of "Tell All Your Friends" & "Where You Want To Be" with some extra bonus soundtrack stuff.
p.p.s./ DJ Skeet Skeet supports Taking Back Sunday. I saw I picture that proved it. And go download his January Mix from his web page. You wont regret it, and its FREE dollars, and NEW, Download Download Download. What more can you want? Songs from KanYe, Katy Perry, MIA, Virgins... its just great and been on repeat since I downloaded the fully loaded tune.
goff X gough
TAGS // Adam Lazzara, DJ Skeet Skeet, Katy Perry, Music, Rockstar, Taking Back Sunday
fresh advice from sarah.
This is all so funny and so true. Straight from Sarah Morrison herself.
-”LA will never make you famous”-No one cares how many times your picture has been on the Cobrasnake. There is no section for that on a resume. Unless, you are a DJ or aspiring CW star leave LA now.
-”Once you have lived in LA you will never live anywhere normal again”-Try moving to Philadelphia. Seriously try it. You will want to die.
-”Do nothing for free”-If people “need” you to do things, they are things that make them money. They are asking you to do these things so they make MORE money. They are asking you to do things for free because they are cheap and are using you. Oh and by the way “Intern” is just another word for slave.
I officially just gave up my current dream of being an LA hipster. oh well I'll cut my losses now.
goff X gough
TAGS // Dead., Fresh, Malibu, Seriousness
just my luck.
today as I check my email on my sleek new iPod touch that has the great feature of the interweb, I get an e-mail from apple. Nothing special, just the fact that my cool new iPod is Old-School now cause well, They came out with a new one. gosh. SOOOO, the new one is 32GB. Thats HUGE. now I'm just bummed.
Oh well it was cool while it lasted.
Sleep Through The Static
TOMORROW, people. It comes, the new Jack Johnson album.
Just read the article and you will get happy/excited in your pants or what ever you do when you get excited with that feeling all up and down your bones like I just did.
Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static
goff X gough
TAGS // Fresh, Jack Johnson, Music, Stoked