I know James, Joe & Dax

Joe Said.... (Joe is a high rolling baller in his spare time when he's not hangin with me James & Dax.)
And, Dax Flame has a new video.
Dax Flame can touch his elbow with his tongue. Hello Guiness you idiots... He is gonna be in parades, oh and circuses. James Adams can to, and I know him. So basically its like I know Dax, but really I only know James, but I'm fine with that and James licked Dax's elbow, Joe told me he saw it., believe it or not Ripley. Idiots..... hahahaha.

Stay tuned for Joe licking Dax and James putting it on YouTube and you will all be haters. Hello, idiots.


Side note, Hema said he was skating earlier this week and tore his church pants and he was running to hide his nakedness from the the spanish people and ran into a pretty little french lady....Ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little confusing... But who cares!! Yeah I'm not sure about me witnessing the licking elbow stuff, but, I propbably did. Check out my Korea Photos!! www.joescott.name