
Lately as I watch TV I find myself watching the Bravo Channel and watching Project Runway and Make Me a Supermodel. Then today I went to Nordstroms and find that everything in that store costs at least a fat hundo for one thing. I wish I was a model and could wear those clothes that cost a million dollars and look like this everyday just to change things up.

Like the rock band "OK Go!" (They dressed up once at one of their shows cause there was a president campaign across the street and so they dressed up to look like they were apart of the event and wore dead president masks, but really it was just to get attention away from the president and on them. Then they just kept the tradition and now wear million dollar dress clothes on stage for fun and it looks like it to.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate told me you said because she reads your blog that she's you new favorite something - Wow! what an honor. Can I be your favorite something to?
Hey, love the suit! You make me smile :)