To The Up Most Degree:

So here's whats going on. I haven't posted in a while simply because I now have a life, well, not that I didn't before but, I GO TO COLLEGE NOW, wow I know, but it's different and now I'm really broke as a joke. So what to do when your luck is through. LA ink premiered season 2 this week and Kat is not prego. I still would have loved to see a Kat-Orbi baby, but the rumors are rumors. Rob and Big & Life of Ryan started to. I heart MTV. Gossip Girl is still going strong even with the stupid writers block or strike, whatever you call it, and Blake Lively is still Beautiful. Hmmm... I really really feel bad for the Spears family, they just can't seem to do anything good. Enough said. Long story short, I'm a student, and if you would have said a week ago that I would be in school right now, i would have thought you were crazy, knew something I didn't or you were going to pay for school for me. Who knew? Enjoy life. Oh and my new best friend is Ben Lopez. One Love, Gough.

Something Beautiful brought to you by your favorite watch company, NIXON:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it when you spend all that time blogging and no one comments? Well, I for one want you to know I'm excited you're going to school. I think that's great Jord! I bet you'll get all A's too - Good luck with it all! Leslie C
p.s. I know what broke feels like :(