Mandrate Dictionary
Mandrate: / man-dr8 / 1 a: To drink a man drink; ex: mood altering drinks (beer, energy drinks, muscle enhancing) 2 b: To drink an old school soda; ex: soft drinks
Mandration: / man-dr8-shun / 1 a: The process of Mandrate;
ED: / e-d / 1 a: Energy Drink; Nuff said
STD: / s-t-d / 1 a: Sleepy Truck Driver; ex. sentence: " Would you like to mandrate with an ED so we don't become STD's? "
Hydrate: / hi-dr8 / 1 a: What losers do with water; 2 b: What jocks do with sports drinks
BFC: / b-f-c / 1 a: Big Freakin Can; 2 b: Single container of 24oz or more of Mandrate; ex sentence: " Man! That was a huge BFC. "
Overdrate: / over-dr8 / 1 a: The act of drinking too many ED's in a short period of time; This usually leads to comments; ex comments: " Dude! Can you hear my heartbeat?" or " My voice is so loud in my brain."
Check this out. My buddy, my homeboy, my long lost amigo that was never lost, has put his love for hydration online. Show some lub and lets us all MANDRATE! (except for the female gender, I mean who are we kidding, look at the name, it doesn't say 'everybodydrate' so please no complaints and sorry if it seems a little harsh.)
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